Time is a killer with a whore on he's back

So who is who really now? If humanety tryis to impress each othere all the time. Then we let it go, then fall out again.

No then, no was, no when. Let's just say IS. Just risk it. I am 23 and something. Trying not to serender to total consuming epydemy and cary on with that fulish fulish idea for creating. Learning to forgive. Witnessing how to forget. Trying not to forget the roots, and still be able to live in a kingdom far far away.


While walking, had a desperate need for cup of coffee. Black as a sky on a moonless night. The was a need to keep going. Even if the circle will poses me. Don't care, don't care, don't care.

Just get way plan, from my highly chaotic apartament. With all the 1000 pictures on the wall, with all the drowings, paintings, mugs, pots, knifes, forkes and other unnessesery nasesety. Needed the feel of fresh air in the hair.

So i just took of. After this coffe and sevy poetic pouse, I will run to the othere worlds around. Go for tickets to other lands around and stay in anothere kingdom far far away.

In the land of gardens, drive ins, beatuiful antique gates, same cut and shaped tree, gourges extremaly greem louns, perfectly clean sidewalks. Where everybody is perfect, clean and sane. Where we will stay still for days. Where time will melt in to jelly and I will wash it off.

Where the silnce off the streets luluby's me. Where even bad days are good once. Where I could lie in a perfect bed under perfect sheets and know that everyminute now.......he will come home and I will serve dinner.

Do everything the book teached me, as how to coupe with my brain. I will follow all the tips and tricks. I promise I will do my best. 2 diferent front lobes are in control. And lets just pray the ONE will take charge.


I see bread croms on the foor. Fake red leather booth. Four tables, three cheers. poorly fakeing vintage american diner. Two walked up the stairs.

Window glass is covered is smudges. Cheek of children, salayva and fingertips.

Outside is cold, windy. Funnny, people everywhere are exactly the same. They all rush in huge hurry. Trying to change wswings, circles and spireles of life. Knowking in adwance they never will.

Surgens hall is just on the othere side. Sun is having a love fair with that magnificant building.

___somewhere here my time stooped ____
_______brain shut down_______

Good night,


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